How To Help A Senior Parent Lose Weight
If you can’t be with your mom or dad all day every day having in-home care is a great way to provide the extra support they may need while trying to lose weight.
How Alzheimer’s Care Is Different From Home Care
Alzheimer’s home care is specialty care that is designed to meet the unique needs of seniors with Alzheimer’s.
How to Help a Senior Embrace Change
24-hour home care can help a senior maintain their home, manage a daily schedule, and ensure they are thriving at home. This helps your loved one feel in control and they may be able to handle change better with less fear.
How Does Home Care Enhance Quality of Life for Aging Adults?
As seniors age, home care services can help them to have a better overall quality of life while supporting their needs.
5 Ways To Support a Senior Parent That is Grieving
Companion care at home is a wonderful way to make sure that your senior loved one is getting the social contact and support they need as they grieve.
Senior Home Care in Mandeville, Louisiana by BrightCare Homecare
BrightCare Homecare is dedicated to helping seniors live independently, with safety, comfort, and a sense of belonging in their own homes.
What Are the Key Components of Successful Hospital to Home Transition Care?
Coming home from the hospital is a big deal for aging adults. Hospital to home transition care makes a huge difference in whether that return home is successful or not.
Five Respite Ideas That Take Less Than Four Hours
Respite care can come in several forms. You can have long-term respite care or overnight respite care, or you can have respite care providers come to the home and help with your loved one so you can escape for the morning or afternoon.
How to Prevent Seniors with Dementia from Taking Their Clothes Off
Some seniors with dementia have some embarrassing habits, like taking their clothes off unexpectedly. Alzheimer’s care providers can help families understand why this happens and learn ways to cope.
How Does Hospice Care Help Families Cope with Loss?
It’s never easy for families to lose someone they love. Hospice care can bridge the gap and offer a lot of different solutions to help them cope with the loss.